Sunday, October 4, 2009

SVR! I did it!

Rose » Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:13 pm
As I stand at the podium receiving my award of SVR there are many people I’d like to thank.

To all those heroic people that have gone before me and ventured into the land of the unknown by doing drug testing and trials for Hepatitis C, I thank each and every one of you. You paved the way for me and it has been truly appreciated.

I thank my family for their love and support as it was a long tiring journey for them.

I am the last of three forum members who started treatment the same week of September 2007. Sadie, Patsy and I all started the same week and each of us had very different experiences with treatment. Patsy treated for 24 weeks, Sadie treated for 48 weeks and I did 72 weeks. We all cleared the virus.

However, most of all I thank my many friends here on the online forum for their relentless support through my diagnosis and treatment. I’d like to give Pixie, JB, MYS, Ross, KitKat, Linda, Spack & Ralph acknowledgement for their continued support.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

24 Week Post-Tx Blood Draw

I am currently working on my 25th week of post-tx and early this morning I went to have my 24 week post-tx PCR done. I was reluctant to do this as I know I now give up the control of my battle with Hepatitis C. Once I give up the blood and put it in someone else’s hands it ends my battle and I know it will be the luck of the draw with the nasty little b@stard.

Being newly diagnosed and pushing myself into a whirlwind of aggressive treatment and being left the shell of the person I was following the treatment puts an ending to what I could do to try and take control back.

I gave up the blood and it’s now in someone/something else’s control.

I got up very early and sat with my coffee and watched a beautiful sunrise. I had every green traffic light getting to the lab. That never happens on the stretch of road to the hospital. Smallville lab technicians quizzed me to death in depth about what a HCV PCR was and what type of treatment it entailed. They had to refer to two different reference books to determine what test to order, what vile to use...I was irritated, annoyed and worried at the same time thinking that they’d screw up and I’d have to come back in seven to eight weeks of waiting only to find out that they did something wrong and I have to be retested to wait another seven to eight weeks for those results. Hey! It’s happened to others! They were clueless.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Working on week 24 post treatment

This is not a whining post. This is a post to keep track of how I feel 24 weeks past treatment.

I still get the infamous “non existent” liver ache. Yesterday it was noticeable and the throb was vague to OUCH a good part of the day. This throb is not consistently there day in and day out, but it’s there and always in the background of my recovery days.

I struggle with my joints and I am not as spry as I was prior to tx. My knees seem to be the worst only because I need them the most. I struggle with mobility and every action I make I notice a bone ache somewhere within the action. If I inadvertently tap a joint (knuckle, elbow) the ache will throb with the minor touch to the joint. Opening a new jar of goodies is excruciating as my wrists only have so much mobility until the pain sets in to let me know who’s in control.

I struggle to get myself up out of a chair. Getting up off the floor is a major struggle and something I can barely do if I don’t have help. My legs and hips do not have the strength recovery to support my body weight so I know I’m not ready for any structured exercise. I just don’t get up out of a chair gracefully.

I was taking Tylenol every morning to get going and since I have started a new vitamin plan suggested by KK on the forum I have noticed an improvement. It’s not gone, but I do not take the Tylenol in the morning as the extreme stiffness works itself out through the morning.

I try to be proactive with moving and digging into daily work and procedure, but it’s slow going with recovery regarding the joint pain. I do wonder if I’ll ever get back to being my old self.

Contacted the nurse practitioner through email several weeks ago and she indicated that my joint pain was not normal and to contact my doc. Blood tests were done the 19th week of tx and I am happy to have received the results that I don’t have rheumatoid arthritis. I am thankful.

My ALT was 17 and my AST was 33. I cannot read too much into it as I didn’t have high readings prior to tx. However, they were much higher than this (my ALTs seemed to run high 30’s and my AST was around 58 to 108)

My thyroid is on the edge of being high 5.05, but I am hopeful that it will level out as the month’s progress. I did gain back all my weight and I do look healthy compared to what I looked like last year this time. However, this might explain my lack of energy and endurance. I am good, but I should be much better 24 weeks post tx.

White blood cells are still a tad low 3.7 and I am hopeful this won’t be an issue when the swine flu makes its second and third waves of destruction.

I am currently reducing my antidepressant, citalopram. I am taking .5 mg a night and I seem to be getting along very well on this dose. I have been blessed with an increased tinnitus and the howl/buzz is louder than ever. I do hope it's from the decrease in anti-d.

I am also taking ¼ of a sleeping pill which does the trick. I’ll wean off them once I wean of the citalopram. I’ll continue on this dose of citalopram until I get the results of my six months post tx PCR. If I don’t clear, I’ll probably have to stay on it for a longer period of time.

Ironically, I should be going for my six month post PCR this morning before 9 a.m. (Smallville hospital rules) and for some reason I’m not going. I have it planned for next Wednesday morning July 29. Somehow I think that it gives me control of the unknown for another week. Once I “give up” the blood it’s all in someone else’s hands.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Working on week 23 post treatment

I am surprised how quickly the time has passed since I stopped tx. This week I celebrate my 54th birthday and I cannot help reflecting back to my last two birthdays. My 52 birthday arrived and I was dealing with being newly diagnosed, recovering from a liver biopsy and facing treatment. I can remember the uncertainty and thinking “maybe by this time next year I’ll be finished tx.” The days dragged until I had the biopsy results and dragged more until I was given an exact date to start tx. September 21, 2007.

My 53 birthday was a day of struggling to breath, extreme exhaustion and looking forward to nearly seven more months of tx. The extension of six extra months wasn’t in my plan, but who can plan with Hepatitis C treatment? It’s like rolling dice and you can either be lucky or unlucky.

Turning 54 was a relief! I have completed 72 weeks of tx and on my way to recovery from the scourge of injecting and ingesting anti-viral drugs. My day was normal and I spent it with my immediate family. Chocolate cake was the highlight of my day. Friends called and emailed from near and far with birthday wishes. It was so wonderful to feel loved and to have such a hellish two years behind me.

Getting close to my six month PCR. I intend to go the 29th of July.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Completed Week 21 post treatment

I really believe that my energy is returning. I’m not so licked at the end of most days. The skin problems that were very evident during and following tx are all but a memory. It took a long time for my eyelids to stop flaring up with an itchy red looking rash. It was weird. My lids looked as if they were scalded. It flared up for the longest time following tx.

My hair is starting to thicken and I have many spiky hairs sticking up on the top of my head. It is a relief to see some volume to my hair. Debating on colouring it.

I am back to my “fighting weight” and look much healthier than I did at the end of tx.

Mentally, I’m doing very well. I have reduced my anti-d a tad and I intend to start taking it every other night starting next week. I have a forward attitude and my brain fog is lifting. I do have some moments, but I get through it.

The joint pain is an issue with me these days and I did get to my MD to get my blood work done. I’m waiting on the results and in the meantime I have started taking vitamins that I could be possibly lacking. I am happy to report that they seem to be helping.

It’s slow going to recovery and I’m starting to get near to the date when I can have my long awaited six month post treatment PCR. I intend to go the last week of July.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Completed Week 16 post treatment

Something very significant happened this week when I had an appointment with my dermatologist. He has seen me four times since I was diagnosed and went on treatment. He was the most knowledgeable and supportive and in my heart I believe that someone he knows very well has been diagnosed and has gone through treatment for Hep C. He was uncanny regarding his knowledge and he was always extremely interested in my progress throughout my tx.

Of course, he knew that I would be completed my tx by the time I went for this appointment and he made a comment that really helped me with my uncertainty at this time about treating.

He indicated that I made the right decision to treat this virus. I was shocked he said that and I thanked him for saying that as it helped me reinforce my decision to treat when that support comes from a doctor. He added...”If I had Hep C I would have made the exact same decision as you (to treat)”.

You cannot even imagine the relief I had when he said that to me. At 48 weeks into treatment I did have my days that I doubted as it was so exhausting and gruelling for me. At the end of tx and these last few weeks I also had some wavering doubt because I felt as if I had the cr@p kicked out of me and I were left on the side of the road isolated and alone with my uncertainties. I figure it’s the survival stage of tx causing these worries.

I always use my famous quote ...”I accept I have Hep C, but I cannot accept that my lifestyle contributed to it...” He indicated that I probably picked it up through medical endoscopic procedures or dental.” I don’t want to come off as a snob when I refer to this lifestyle issue I have, because I’m not. I just resent the health department/medical profession being so anxious to pigeon hole me into a reason for having Hep C. They want to make it something I did to myself. It does NOT matter how you or me were infected with Hep C. We have it why try to put us into a lifestyle slot. It just pisses me off!

A friend of mine casually said to me one day that her doctor shockingly admitted that it’s a wonder we all aren’t walking around with Hepatitis C. Interesting comment from a doc, don’t you think?

The joint pain can be restrictive on some days so I pop a Tylenol. It’s a strange thing this joint pain. I like to think that it’s the heinous drugs purging from my body. I wonder if it’s a withdrawal thing.

Energy is slowly returning, but some days are on and many days are off. I push myself to get myself back to where I was prior to tx.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Completed Week 13/Working On week 14 Post Tx

Doing pretty well now that I am 13/14 weeks past treatment. I still have issues with sore joints, espeically my hips and knees to a point of hobbling around when I get up from a sitting position or going upstairs. OUCH! YELP! All my joints ache and I do have a struggle opening things (jars, cookie bags :), treats :) as my wrists and hands are weak.

Some days I am filled with "pi$$ and vinegar" doing housework only to crash by the late afternoon to spend my evenings like a blob watching television. Other days I do moderate normal stuff, but I have done this long enough and I know I need a more structured rehabilitaiton after being dormant so long.

Exercise isn't even an option for me as I find that I'm doing so much trying to get the house back to a cleaner environment that it exhausts me. I am unsure if I should seek physiotherapy, however, knowing my doc he'd have to tell them I just completed 72 weeks of anti-viral treatment for Hepatitis. Living in Smallville that is not an option for me.

Thursday, May 7, was the first day I had an enlightenment that my memory was improving. I did a two step thing by taking stuff to the laundry out back and wanted tin foil from the pantry on the way back. I actually stopped by the pantry door and remembered the tin foil on the way back to the kitchen. Prior to this I'd go do the laundry job and not remember the tin foil at all for a while. I actually stayed on task and completed what I was doing. It was a hopeful feeling that I was actually going to get my memory back. It might not sound like a huge thing, but it I was hopeless. This tells me that the riba I was taking is starting to really purge from my system. The interferon is supposed to be gone in eight weeks following the ending of tx, but the riba stays in the systems for months. I believe this to be true as many sides are still lingering to a degree. They aren't as intense, but some days the fatigue hits me as if I ran into a brick wall.

I think my hair is improving.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 13 Post Treatment

I am having so much trouble with this blog these days. I cannot copy and paste.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Week 11 Post Treatment

Completed Week 11 post treatment

This morning I am sitting here absolutely exhausted. I had a huge day trip yesterday shopping a viewing a show in the big city. I didn’t get home until 1:00 a.m. and didn’t go to sleep immediately. I was going to try to do it without a sleeping pill, but I decided not to try as I didn’t want to put myself into major exhaustion today.

I want my strength back and even though it’s coming back, my joints are screaming in pain. I’ll have to break out the Tylenol this morning.

The changes in me have been subtle since returning from the “dark side”. My skin has improved even more since the last time I mentioned it here. I still have the speckled scars of the aftermath of the rash.

My hair is starting to return. Little sprigs and sprites popping up here and there and I have figured out how to fluff it so I look like my old self.

I probably look OK in appearance, but the inside is struggling to feel normal. Stomach problems are not gone, but improving. Eyelids are still giving me itching flare ups. Joints and muscles are giving me grievous agony.

I exhaust easily.

I want to do more, but cannot push it.

However, at the end of all this moaning life is much better for me these days.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Week 10 Post Treatment

Two words...acid reflux. I visited my regular doc over a week ago and he scribed me pills for acid reflux. I take two a day and I was dubious at the first as I didn’t have the obvious symptoms for acid reflux. However, I am pleased to say that after seven days of full meds I think they are doing the trick. It’s not gone, but the pain has subsided to a dull roar. I must have had it all through tx as I had that constant pain to one side. Interesting that I managed to get through 72 weeks of treatment and then once I stopped treatment it hit like a sledgehammer.

I still have the liver ache here and there. It is a different pain and the infamous “non-existent” liver ache is to be expected.

Still struggling with some skin issues. Mainly on my eyelids and lips. My eyelids are almost scalded looking on some days and itchy as heck. My doc agreed to let me use (sparingly) .05% cortisone cream on the lids. I must reinforce that I do use it sparingly as it is not supposed to be used close to the eyes and it can thin the skin. I am hopeful that this will go away soon.

Joint pain is hovering and has become worse as I purge the drugs from my system. I keep active by running up and down stairs and doing more things around the house. I intend to do minor light weight exercises this week. I cannot put it off as I can hardly open a jar and I need the strength building. That throb in the joints is there and those muscles scream from inactivity for 72 weeks of existing as two feet and a heartbeat.

I drive the car now and on Thursday I was driving to an appointment and I actually caught myself smiling. I am starting to have good days. The energy is zapped by the evening most days, but there are days I just want to do absolutely nothing.

By doing stuff around the house and being able to go and do what I want I am getting a sense of control of my life. While I was on treatment I had no control over anything that was important to me. I couldn’t be a Mom, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend as my whole life was consumed with treatment. I can do that now. The issue isn’t about me anymore.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Eight Weeks Post-Treatment

Completed Week 8 post treatment

Visited the clinic this week and received the results of my ultra sound I had the week before. Everything checked out and I was so relieved. I expected my liver or some other organ in there to be swollen, inflamed or diseased. It has been somewhat resolved and my treating doctor (who I met for the first time this week) indicated that it is stomach acid. Also, my right side pain is from a pulled muscle as in my weakened state I probably pushed myself a little too hard. He indicated that reaching up to get something out of the cupboard would cause this agony for someone like me who was inactive for so long. I accept that. However, I did have it to a lesser degree for two years so I must have had a low grade inflammation there.

Two days of a dissolving stomach pill and things are better.

I had my eight week post treatment blood tests done while I was there. PCR to be done end of July 2009.

I just want to feel like my old self and I am impatient. However, all those sides that were such huge issues during treatment have slowly subsided except for the fatigue. I have more energy and I want to keep going, but I get hauled back to my weakened state continually.

Minor stuff and as I said, I am so glad that the ultra sound came back OK. Phew! I dodged that bullet.

I think I saw a hair, yesterday. LOL

One thing I’m even more thankful for these last few days is that my younger boy walked away from a serious vehicle accident unhurt. It happened last Saturday morning. A van caused the accident and fled the scene to leave my son and his friend to struggle out of the crumpled vehicle. It was pretty serious and both boys were taken by ambulance and checked out at the hospital. They were both OK (tumbled and turned), extremely lucky, but my young fella’s car was written off. I hardly care, they are still both unscathed and healthy young boys.

Interestingly, the jerk that caused the accident and fled the scene has been caught on video camera that is a part of the security system of a business located in the area. The tape has been turned over to the police.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seven Weeks Post Treatment

Working on week 7 post treatment

I do expect that my bloods (HGB and WBC, etc.) are up to normal by now as the symptoms of low blood have subsided. I can breathe.

Emailed the clinic and NP indicated that the symptoms I was having were not normal to post treatment sides. She suggested that I call the local hospital and see if they had a cancellation as she would like to have the ultra sound done prior to my appointment next week. They did have a cancellation and I’ll be done tomorrow.

I did try an over the counter acid reflux med yesterday. I’ll keep it going today to see if that helps. However, I am having reoccurring bouts of extreme pain within an hour and a half or two hours after eating. It lasts for approximately an hour to a point of extreme pain and then eases off. I am usually sore for a bit following the siege. I have to go to emergency, but I always find excuses not to go. I’m hoping it’s just a phase, but the phase is hanging on with a vengeance.

I’ll have to go to my own doc for more extensive investigation if the ultra sound is good.

Energy level is good for someone that has been dormant for 72 weeks of treatment. My weight is coming back up even though everything I eat feels as if I ate a lump of clay. Seeing very positive changes and my skin is improving. I still have the eye-lid scald thing so that will have to be investigated.

Had a few low dips in my mental attitude because of this stupid digestive thing, but I push through it and get out of it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Working on Week 6 Post Treatment

I am coming along “detoxing” from treatment. I have noticed an improvement regarding my breathing and the cement block feels as if it has been lifted off my chest. Some colour is returning to my face and brain fog is lifting and my will is telling me to tackle projects, but the body is screaming in protest with sore muscles and joints with the exposure to new activities. The joints and muscles are protesting from being unused for 72 weeks. It was something I expected. It was a great piece of advice from NP not to go at an exercise regime for at least eight weeks. Just getting back into the grind is enough exercise for me. I am happy to report that I wore my knee high support hose yesterday and they didn’t fall down so my calves must be getting some muscle back. (You know you’re skinny when your support knee highs fall down)

A negative aspect is that it’s as if my digestive system has awakened from a coma and it’s giving me extreme grief. On treatment it seemed as if my digestive system shut down and the food just dumped through it. I ate but the weight loss was evident and I expect the digestive system just wasn’t doing its job because of the harsh drugs.

I have had a consistent side pain in the upper right hand side around the rib cage and under the back shoulder blade throughout treatment. It nagged me, but became more evident towards the last eight weeks of treatment. It was a symptom I had to a degree prior to treatment. I did have all the appropriate tests done regarding my gallbladder prior to treatment. It was indicated that it was probably a pulled muscle because I am right handed. (?) It is not a pulled muscle. It’s not the same feeling. It feels as if it’s inside.

The symptom has reared its ugly head with a vengeance since stopping the treatment and after consuming a turkey dinner later one evening this week I experienced severe pain upper right side to the point of vomiting. Being a sucker for punishment I ate a small plate of leftovers the next night and was rewarded with the same extreme pain to the point of vomiting again. The next night I ate cereal for dinner and I didn’t experience the severe pain. The next night towards the early morning I had the same excruciating pain. It seems to last an hour or so and then it subsides. After these “pain fests” I felt as if someone punched the heck out of my insides on the right side. I think I’m a pretty tough cookie (gloat), but these attacks of severe pain are almost intolerable. Tylenol does NOT even put a dent in the pain.

I did email my NP to see if this were a common occurrence coming off tx as I wanted to go to emergency both times I reached the point of vomiting. I didn’t go to local emergency because I’d have to spill out too much information and I’m not willing to do that.

NP will be off work for a week. There is no point in going to my local doc.

Something is very wrong.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

End of Treatment - Undetectable :)

Working on Week 5 – Post tx

Nurse practitioner called on March 4 to tell me that my end of treatment blood test came back undetectable for the virus. It had been four weeks since I had it done and I knew it would take a while to get the results. However, I was pleased that it only took four weeks to receive the results.

I’m still in the game so I wait. Renewed hope...

I am pretty battle weary.

I am noticing that my breathing has improved more and more. Yesterday I realized that I seemed to have a bit of brain clarity and the fog is slowly lifting. I have introduced an Omega 3 type supplement into my recovery as I do need my brain to go back to work.

My runny nose symptoms have started to subside the last week.

I had to succumb to using very mild cortisone (over the counter 0.5 mg) cream on my eyelids. I tried for two full weeks to battle this renewed side effect that reared its head following tx. It wouldn’t go away and even though it’s not recommended to use this product near your eyes I had to use it, cautiously, for four days. I applied it sparingly, once in the morning and once at night. It took the edge of it, but I’m not clear of that lingering symptom yet.

Appetite is good and steadily gaining weight.

My skin tone is improving and I don’t think I look as ghastly white as my haemoglobin struggles to recover.

My joints and muscles are SCREAMING with protest regarding my renewed busyness. I know the joint and muscle pain is related to being inactive for 72 weeks and me trying to pick up with living a normal life (without regimented exercise). I was planning to get back into the swing immediately following tx and the nurse practitioner advised me to wait at least eight weeks following tx and she was right on the money with that piece of advice. I thought I could step right back into my regular life and I was so wrong. I have realized that just doing everyday stuff at a faster pace has made my muscles and joints sore and achy just as if I started a new exercise regime.

I ended up car shopping with my brother and my husband. They put me in the back of a Jeep and drove me around the city to car lots. Well, I was pampered up until then. I always sit in the front passenger side and I can usually drop right out of the vehicle (being just under 6 feet I like a higher vehicle to get in and out of). However, being shoved in the back seat was a whole different story for me following 72 weeks of tx. The two men tore out of the car and were at the door of the business while I was still trying to struggle myself out of the back seat. I was like a giraffe stuck and flailing. My muscles screamed in protest and I had no strength to pull myself out. I managed to get out (ungracefully) and my brother was looking at me as if I were the village idiot. It was as if I went to the gym and had a full work out and my muscles and joints screamed for several days following that scenario.

My eyesight problems are starting to diminish. I noticed a difference around week three, but this week it’s much better. I am not provoked into light flashes and pseudo migraine auras when I don’t wear my sunglasses in the house. I only had an estimate of four or five head banger migraines on tx, but I was plagued with the auras that bright light can cause. I would be sent into 20 minutes of whirly shimmering eyesight. Looking out the window, bright computer screen, television, fire place, over head light in a room would set me into these auras. I had to look like a rock star with the sunglasses on in the house all day no matter if it were a sunny day or not. I felt like an idiot.

The only thing that’s scaring me is the fact that I have lingering (sometimes nasty) side pain. It makes some days horrible and other days OK. I expect that it will pass once I purge more of the tx from my system.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Four Weeks Post TX

From sitting like a blob for 72 weeks I have found that now that I am a tad active with just shopping and doing very minor things around the house I feel like I have been tumbled in the clothes dryer at the end of the day. My unused muscles are screaming with fatigue and soreness and the joints are just giving me supreme attitude. I am pretty sure it’s just from getting back into life. My liver is actively trying to clear the drugs and is giving me a good old knowing throbbing ache. I don't want to take any Tylenol unless I absolutely have too as I want as little stress on the liver as possible. Taking extra drugs will just add more stress it. I will take something if I need a break, but I can stand it for now. I nearly wanted to take a Tylenol yesterday during a shopping trip to the city as it was really acting up, but I suffered through it. Must not have been in enough pain to need a pill so I’ll preserve.

One thing about post tx that I noticed is that some sides I had throughout tx have continued and some have really became annoying. I always had itchy skin and some problems with my eyelids. Upon stopping tx I have been battling extremely dry itchy sore skin around the eyes and on the lid itself. I want to use a mild cortisone cream, but it is not recommended to use it around the eyes. I have been using a lot of moisturizer, but I don’t think this is going to work. It never goes away and it gets very sore, red and flaky. It looks like my lids are scalded. I had this intermittently throughout tx and it would subside (to a degree) and resurface with a vengeance from time to time.

The other noticeable thing is that I have started to notice bruises, especially on my legs. I have no idea what I did to cause them and do not remember bumping the area. My platelets stayed OK throughout tx. They weren’t great, but they were never in the danger zone.

Also, I always had minor nose bleeds on tx, but since stopping I am assured to have one in the morning.

I expect that it’s the hemoglobin and other blood issues trying to “right” themselves following the long term depression of the bone marrow.

I have noticed that my riba rage isn’t so rage “y”. I get irritated and do push it down; however, there were times on tx my behavior was shameful. It just wasn’t me. I would like to think that I don’t dwell and obsess about stupid stuff now as much as I did not tx. It’s still there, but I shut it down when I realize I’m going there.

I did take a dip a couple of days last week. I am on an anti-depressant and that has helped me through tx and the last few weeks. However, the body is so suppressed on tx drugs that since coming off those drugs the anti-depressant has given me the side of a choking, lump in your throat kind of feeling. I am not keen to come off the anti-d so quickly so I have tried a reduction. 10 mg (full dose) one night – 5 mg (half dose) the next night for a while. If that doesn’t work I’ll try 5 mg every night. Not sure if this will work, but I am hopeful to stay on the meds until at least six months post tx. Wait and see on that issue.

These are minor things.

On the very positive side of completing tx is that my breathing has improved the last few days. I can nearly take a full breath and feel like I’m alive. I can sustain some thinking tasks and have noticed a tad more clarity with my reading and figuring out minor problems. There seems to be more order in my thinking. It’s not back up to the way it was prior to tx, but it’s only four weeks post tx.

My appetite has improved and I seem to crave nutritious foods. It’s an amazing thing regarding the body, if it’s deprived it seems to be able to tell you what it’s missing.

The most positive thing is that I have hope that I’ll actually feel better once the drugs purge from my system.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Post Treatment

This blog will be documenting my road to recovery following 72 weeks of treatment for Hep C.

Since I injected the last interferon needle on January 25, 2009 and ingested Riba pills 2,518; 2,519 & 2520 on the morning of the 6th of February I have noticed an improvement in myself. The first week I didn’t have to inject the interferon was a change for the better.

At this time, it’s basically my third week post injection and second week post Riba and I actually can make a meal. This is huge for me as all I did was slog around the house hardly lifting my feet trying to make it from the bed to the couch to a chair for 44% of the 72 weeks of treatment. Prior to that I dragged myself around pretending to be ok and trying to get to work.

Any improvement has been wonderful for me so to be actually able to even have some energy to groom myself and go out is a breath of life to me.

I was plagued by the nasty sides from taking mega doses of antibiotics for the sinus problems I had the last few weeks of treatment and I finished up all the meds to counter act those annoying lingering sides this week.

Even though I had the dry itchy skin all through treatment it has again become annoying post treatment on my eyelids and various spots on my face.

My appetite has improved, I am eating much better quality of food (because I can shop for it and prepare it) and I think my haemoglobin is on the rise as I can get ¾ of a breath today. I seem to be getting minor nose bleeds in the morning, but nothing serious.

My annoying upper right side pain is still there. However, I am getting the classic liver area ache down low on the rib cage. It wasn’t prevalent on tx only a throb here and there. Now it’s very prevalent. I expect it’s the liver trying to clear the meds.

I am getting out and doing as much as I can as I don’t want to go into a “feeling sorry for myself” slump. My attitude is good and I push forward to my recovery.