Wednesday, July 29, 2009

24 Week Post-Tx Blood Draw

I am currently working on my 25th week of post-tx and early this morning I went to have my 24 week post-tx PCR done. I was reluctant to do this as I know I now give up the control of my battle with Hepatitis C. Once I give up the blood and put it in someone else’s hands it ends my battle and I know it will be the luck of the draw with the nasty little b@stard.

Being newly diagnosed and pushing myself into a whirlwind of aggressive treatment and being left the shell of the person I was following the treatment puts an ending to what I could do to try and take control back.

I gave up the blood and it’s now in someone/something else’s control.

I got up very early and sat with my coffee and watched a beautiful sunrise. I had every green traffic light getting to the lab. That never happens on the stretch of road to the hospital. Smallville lab technicians quizzed me to death in depth about what a HCV PCR was and what type of treatment it entailed. They had to refer to two different reference books to determine what test to order, what vile to use...I was irritated, annoyed and worried at the same time thinking that they’d screw up and I’d have to come back in seven to eight weeks of waiting only to find out that they did something wrong and I have to be retested to wait another seven to eight weeks for those results. Hey! It’s happened to others! They were clueless.

1 comment:

  1. How are you doing now, Rose? Hope you had good news .........
