Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Seven Weeks Post Treatment

Working on week 7 post treatment

I do expect that my bloods (HGB and WBC, etc.) are up to normal by now as the symptoms of low blood have subsided. I can breathe.

Emailed the clinic and NP indicated that the symptoms I was having were not normal to post treatment sides. She suggested that I call the local hospital and see if they had a cancellation as she would like to have the ultra sound done prior to my appointment next week. They did have a cancellation and I’ll be done tomorrow.

I did try an over the counter acid reflux med yesterday. I’ll keep it going today to see if that helps. However, I am having reoccurring bouts of extreme pain within an hour and a half or two hours after eating. It lasts for approximately an hour to a point of extreme pain and then eases off. I am usually sore for a bit following the siege. I have to go to emergency, but I always find excuses not to go. I’m hoping it’s just a phase, but the phase is hanging on with a vengeance.

I’ll have to go to my own doc for more extensive investigation if the ultra sound is good.

Energy level is good for someone that has been dormant for 72 weeks of treatment. My weight is coming back up even though everything I eat feels as if I ate a lump of clay. Seeing very positive changes and my skin is improving. I still have the eye-lid scald thing so that will have to be investigated.

Had a few low dips in my mental attitude because of this stupid digestive thing, but I push through it and get out of it.

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